
    500 gms all-purpose flour

    500 gms grated cheddar cheese, pepper and chilli flakes optional 

    1/2 tbsp salt, since the cheese is salted already

    4 - 5 cups oil, for deep-frying 


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Ingredient Substitution Guide


Cheeselings by Cindy Miller

Knead the flour along with grated cheese, salt and water to make the dough.

Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier

Make small balls out of the dough. Flatten them into thin round shapes quite like roti (Indian flatbread).

Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier

Cut them into long strips roughly 2 inches or as you like. (I use a designed cutter. Cookie or pizza cutters can also be used).

Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier

Note: Don’t worry about the strips sticking to each other, as they will separate while deep frying.

Heat oil and put a handful of strips in it. Keep stirring so that all sides get enough heat and take an even golden colour.

Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier

Take the strips off the heat when hard and crisp and put it in a colander. Break one to see if it’s crispy. Let the oil drain.

Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier
Cheeselings by Cindy Mallier Image Credit: Supplied/Cindy Mallier

Once the strips cool down store them in an airtight container.

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