Prep 10 m
Cook 30m


    120 gms white chocolate

    200 gms double cream (for whip) 

    50 gms double cream (ganache)

    40 gms mascarpone (for whip)

    1 pinch (0.3 gms) saffron

    50 gms pistachios 

    50 gms raspberries 

    You will also need:  

    1 bowl 

    1 small container 

    1 peeler 

    1 whisk

    1 grater 

    1 container or glass for presentation 

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Combine double cream with saffron. Microwave the mix for 30 seconds to allow the saffron to infuse.

2. Blend in the chocolate to the mix until it melts. Keep aside.

3. To a bowl, add double cream with mascarpone and whip until creamy in consistency. Keep it to chill in a freezer for 10 minutes.

4. Using a spoon, take one-fourth the amount of whipped cream and mix it with the melted chocolate. Continue repeating the process till you get a clean mix, free of lumps. Let it rest for an hour.

5. In the meantime, grate the pistachios and shave the chocolate using a peeler.

6. To serve, place the whipped cream and melted chocolate at the base of the glass and top it off with pistachios, raspberries and white chocolate shavings.

7. Serve and enjoy!