Prep 45 m
Cook 30m


    125 gms Soya chunks

    ½ cup Cashew nuts

    2 ½ tsp Red chilli powder

    2 tsp Coriander powder

    ½ tsp Turmeric powder

    1 tsp Ginger-garlic paste , equal measure

    2 ½ tbsp Refined oil

    1 Bayleaf

    1 inch Cinnamon stick

    1 Black cardamom

    ½ tbsp Cumin seeds

    1 ½ tsp Ginger (chopped)

    1 tsp Garlic (sliced)

    3 Onion (chopped)

    2 Tomato (chopped)

    2 sprig curry leaves

    ½ tsp Pepper powder

    1 tsp Garam Masala

    2 tsp Coriander leaves (chopped)

    1 tsp Dried fenugreek leaves

    Salt to taste


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In separate bowls, soak the soya chunks and ½ cup of cashews in hot water. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, squeeze the water out of the soya chunks.

Add one teaspoon of red chilli powder, one teaspoon of coriander powder, ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder, one teaspoon of ginger-garlic pastes, and ½ teaspoon of salt to the soya chunks. Mix well, cover, and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Heat oil in a deep pan. Add bay leaf, cardamom, cinnamon stick, and cumin seeds. Sauté for a few seconds over a medium flame.

Add chopped ginger and sliced garlic. Sauté for a few seconds, then add chopped onion. Sauté until it turns light brown. Adding a bit of salt will help speed up the sautéing process.

Add one teaspoon of red chilli powder, one teaspoon of coriander powder, and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Sauté until the raw smell dissipates.

Add the chopped tomatoes. Sauté for a few seconds, then cover and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the marinated soya chunks and curry leaves. Sauté over medium to low flame for 4 to 5 minutes.

Add pepper powder and garam masala. Mix well.

Add the soaked cashews. Sauté for three minutes.

Add hot water, cover, and cook over a medium flame for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Add dried fenugreek leaves and mix well. Finally, garnish with coriander leaves. The curry is ready to be served.

Note: To thicken the gravy and enhance the taste, you may grind 8 to 10 cashews with a little water to a fine paste and then add it to the curry just before adding the dried fenugreek leaves, but this step is optional.

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