Remote filming
There are always ways to get in a bit remote filming done. Image Credit: Icon Art Productions

Dubai: Icon Art Production (IAP) has made headway completing projects with remote filming solutions for their international clients, producers and production companies.

The solution is also available for directors who cannot travel but can direct the filming and execute projects, including commercials with remote monitoring.

According to Zakir, CEO of Icon Art production, “Following health and safety measures set by the local authorities and the Rules and Guidelines provided by Dubai Film and TV Commission, live concerts can be filmed in our studio for broadcast and sound recording." 

Auditions and casting will be conducted remotely over video conferencing or by sending footage. The cast is on set only when everything is ready for filming.

Producer Saurabh Kabra said, “In the current times where shoots are banned in India because of widespread COVID-19, Dubai works as a good opportunity."