Candidates wait in a queue to fill the form after a stampede during a police recruitment drive in Mumbai, India, Monday, March 8, 2010. A stampede among tens of thousands of people seeking police jobs has killed one person and injured another 11 in India's financial and entertainment capital. Image Credit: AP

Mumbai: A stampede among tens of thousands of people seeking police jobs has killed one person and injured another 11 in India's financial and entertainment capital.

Police official Amitabh Gupta says thousands of people forced their way into the recruitment center on Monday to collect application forms for the Mumbai police jobs.

Gupta said some of them fell over each other as police tried to control the crowd.

Another officer said more than 30,000 people turned up for 1,000 jobs being advertised by Mumbai police.

He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters.

A stampede last week among thousands of poor villagers scrambling for free food and clothes at a commemorative event killed 63 people at a Hindu temple in northern India.