Dubai: Shaikh Yousef Qaradawi, Chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, on Monday called on Libyan soldiers to reject orders to kill or bomb their fellow civilians.

"Instead of directing your weapons against your families and people; you must shoot the man who is ordering you to kill your relatives and countrymen. In this occasion I am issuing a religious verdict which is for those who could kill Gaddafi to do so. You must relieve your nation from this oppressor and crazy man," Qaradawi said.

He said Gaddafi's crimes have reached unprecedented levels in modern history of humanity. "Gaddafi, who has been ruling Libya for more than 40 years, is not willing to understand that times have changed and he would not be able to rule this nation the way he used to do any more."

He urged Tunisians and Egyptians, who recently forced out their dictators to help Libyans by rushing medical and food supplies. He urged Egyptian youths to address their protests in support for Libyans.