The Emirates Marine Environmental Group on Thursday urged the release of the whale shark captured and held by Atlantis-The Palm since August 27.

The group, in a statement issued on Thursday voiced its concern “over the status of this captive animal in order to pressure Atlantis into tagging and releasing this shark back into its natural habitat as soon as possible''.

Although the population status of this species is unknown in the Gulf, according to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List, it is listed as ‘vulnerable' worldwide.

The life history of whale sharks is still poorly understood with catches and sightings of these animals having declined in recent years, the EMEG said. As a highly migratory species, it is crucial for all countries within the whale shark range to cooperate and create partnerships in order to protect these animals and gain a better understanding of their movements and behaviour.

The statement quoted Ali Saqar Al Suweidi, President of EMEG, as saying: “It is essential that this gentle giant be tagged and released as soon as possible to increase its chances of survival as well as gather scientific data on its movements in the Gulf''.

The EMEG maintains that the long term health of this animal should be a common objective. Although in recent years there have been many sightings of whale sharks in the Gulf, nobody knows the reason this species enters these waters. It could be a feeding, breeding or nursery grounds for them or just a migration route for these animals.

Releasing this whale shark with a satellite tag would be the first step in providing the scientific community with some much needed data on the movement patterns of this species in the Gulf and international waters.

The EMEG is a non-profit organisation based in the UAE.