Most of the people who use this path are residents of the Marina and they often accompany their children Image Credit: Dwynn Ronald Trazo/Gulf News

We usually jog by the Dubai Marina, where there is a walking, running and cycling path and no cars.

Most of the people who use this path are residents of the Marina and they often accompany their children.

On three occasions, my jogging partner and I have witnessed young boys on jet skis — there are usually three or four of them — [terrorising] joggers.

They get close to the walking path without raising any attention to themselves and then all of a sudden speed up, slide their jet skis and splash water onto people who are using the path.

Then they turn around to see if they got anyone wet and later speed up to surprise the next unsuspecting victim.

For the people on the path, this is infuriating because there is really nothing they can do other than shout at these boys.

Besides getting wet when you are least expecting it, the water in the Marina is quite dirty and there is a health risk involved if it is swallowed or if it enters your eyes.

For many of us who do not live close by, we have no place where we can change our clothes easily and move on. We would have to jog back to the car or house with the reeking water dripping from our clothes.

I have a few suggestions for the authorities.

First, send an officer to witness the problem.

Secondly, there is a need to regularly check on the drivers of jet skis to see if they have a licence or are in the right age range to operate the vehicles.

Finally, I think they must warn those who use jet skis — even when they are not in action — to not splash water on people who are using the path.

This would help eliminate such nonsensical behaviour.


— The reader is a senior manager, based in Dubai

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