1960: Cyprus gains independence from Britain after Greeks and Turks agree on a constitution.

1974-75: Greek junta attempts coup against President Makarios. Turkish forces occupy a third of the island which is partitioned by UN ceasefire.

1983: Peace talks suspended. Turks declare Republic of Northern Cyprus.

1997: Failure of UN-mediated peace talks.

2001: Turkey threatens to annex the north if Cyprus joins the EU.

2002: UN presents power-sharing plan.

2004: Greek side rejects UN reunification deal, joins EU.

2006: EU-Turkey talks on Cyprus collapse.

2012: Cyprus banking crisis requires €10 billion (Dh4.1 billion) bailout

2015: Talks resume.

2016: Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders make joint New Year’s address, raising hopes of peace deal.

— Telegraph Newspapers Limited, London 2016