
Summer vacations are here and so is the time for leisure for many of us. It’s the time when we wholeheartedly wish to pamper ourselves. While some of us fly to our home countries or to a holiday destination, there are some who prefer relaxing and giving time to themselves, and staying put. Resolutions are not only made on the eve of the New Year, but also a few days before a holiday begins. This can include yoga sessions, going for morning walks, learning to cook, planning a holiday trip, painting and more. But the real question is: How many of us actually follow our resolutions?

The American Heritage Dictionary, defines procrastination as “to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness”, while Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary calls it “to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done”. One needs to pursue oneself to change one’s behaviour or situation to prevent and minimise the re-occurrence of procrastination and change it to motivation.

To a certain degree it is normal to procrastinate and it can be regarded as a useful way to identify what is important. On the other hand, excessive procrastination can become a problem and interrupt normal functioning which is caused by laziness, lack of willpower or lack of interest.

There is no rulebook to follow a process to turn the task to be counter-productive. The best way to overcome procrastination and motivate oneself is to be aware of and use one’s productive hours. The choice is always ours, if we want to procrastinate or to motivate ourselves.

Motivation comes in many forms and can strike randomly. Some days we have an abundance of creative energy which comes naturally, other days it’s not so easy. Writing, music, art and design all help us foster internal creativity and vacations are meant to relax yourself the best you can.

What could be better than choosing to boost the inner self, rather than falling prey to procrastination. Eat well, sleep well and get exercise. From personal experience, a positive mind and body is less likely to procrastinate. If you feel better, you’ll be more upbeat and active, and more optimistic. Holidays are to make us realise that we may not have the best of everything but can make the best of everything we have.

- The reader is a teacher in a Dubai school