In a dramtic final day at Arabian Ranches Golf Club in the annual Club Captains vs Club Vice-Captains tournament, the end result after 36 holes of Matchplay competition was 15 points a piece for both parties meaning the quaich was shared amongst both teams.
The 36 hole Strokeplay event, consisted of a Fourball Matchplay on Day 1, and a Singles Matchplay on Day 2 in which the pairs/singles points from players on both teams is counted to an aggregate.
On top of the Matchplay competition, the event also included a Stableford points format that corresponds to each days existing game. The winners for each team are according to the day winners as shown below.
Day 1 Fourball
Captains Team
1st Ji Li & Glen Emslie - 47 points
2nd Mike Robson & Christopher Benson - 43 points
Vice-Captains Team
1st Andre Grove & Agamjot Kaur - 44 points
2nd Michael Connor & Adam Smith - 43 points
Day 2 Singles
Captains Team
1st Paul Siffre - 40 points
2nd Laira Taylor - 38 points via countback
Vice-Captains Team
1st Gurpreet Kalsi - 40 points via countback
2nd Andre Grove - 40 points
Club Captains Team - 22 points
Club Vice-Captains Team - 23 points
On Course Competitions:
Two's Clubs (Par 3s) Jonathan Sheard