india prime ministers
When votes for the general election are counted on June 4, the leader of the party with the highest number of seats in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) will be invited to form the government, becoming the next Prime Minister of India. Since 1947, India has had leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru who occupied the top post for nearly 17 years, and Gulzarilal Nanda, who served two 13-day stints when incumbents of the top post died. In between, there have been prime ministers from various fields who have left a mark on governance. This time, current Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking a third straight term in office. Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News
india prime ministers gandhi nehru
Image Credit: Vijith Pulikkal / Gulf News