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In a world characterised by rapid technological and scientific advancements and abundant opportunities, it is crucial to have specialised national human resources who can lead our future in the strategic communication sector.

These individuals should be capable of highlighting the remarkable achievements of the UAE and sharing its success stories across various fields with the world. Recognising the significance of investing in national human resources, the leadership has placed human beings at the forefront of its priorities, as it believes that the true wealth of the UAE lies in their development and empowerment, ultimately contributing to sustainable development.

The UAE has established a strategic government communication and media system in accordance with the highest international standards. This system encompasses specialised media strategies, policies, laws, legislation, and executive regulations that support media work. Its objective is to enhance the UAE’s reputation, showcase its soft power, and create an integrated government communication system within federal entities.

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The focus is on achieving a balance and integration of strategic relations between all federal, local, and international entities, organising local media initiatives and projects, and fostering effective communication with local and international media institutions and influencers. This communication aims to deliver meaningful and insightful content, convey strategic and media messages, and effectively address media issues and crises.

In early January 2023, the UAE Government Media Office launched the latest edition of the “Government Communication Experts” programme.

Latest media and communication trends

This programme emphasises the vital role played by government communication teams in developing communication initiatives and supporting the government’s efforts to communicate its success stories to the world. The program aims to achieve future goals and translate policies and strategies into reality through the involvement of qualified and specialised national professionals capable of driving sustainable human development.

The programme brings together government communication directors, officials from government entities involved in communication, digital and social media experts, academics, and industry professionals. It serves as an interactive platform for knowledge and skill exchange, enabling participants to benefit from media expertise.

The programme, in which I had the privilege to participate, covered a wide range of topics, including the latest media and communication trends, media crisis management, spokesperson skills, direct communication with the media, content development and management on social media platforms, digital marketing tools in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), developing media and strategic messages, presenting government stories in an engaging manner, and planning government communication campaigns aligned with our country’s ambitions in the field of government communication.

It concluded with a visit to the United Kingdom, where we had the opportunity to learn about the latest media trends and practices employed by the British Government Media Office. We also conducted field visits to several institutions to review their best practices in government communication.

These experiences will undoubtedly be reflected in the communication activities of our teams. Additionally, we completed a specialised media programme in collaboration with the London Business School.

The UAE’s exemplary experience in government communication has inspired several countries to benefit from this expertise. They have sought to transfer and apply these practices within their own societies, either through benchmarking or by implementing joint training programs.

Such initiatives contribute to enhancing national and community cohesion, fostering constructive communication between governments and society members, and educating them about everything that serves the goals of sustainable development and human prosperity.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the UAE Government Media Office team for their dedication in creating this exceptional and innovative specialised programme.

The content has been meticulously designed to prepare government leaders capable of meeting the leadership’s directions through ambitious and effective government communication.

Alya Hassan Al Yassi is an Emirati researcher and strategic media expert.