Aries March 20 – April 19

As an energetic and creative Aries, there are few things you enjoy as much as an enthusiastic brainstorming session. And with the Sun and Mercury both brilliantly aspecting your ruler Mars between now and Monday, not only will there be several such occasions, you’ll also find that they are amazingly productive.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

When you first began talking over potential changes in elements of your work or lifestyle, you had a clear sense of what would take place. Since then, the actual foundation on which those plans are based has shifted, and profoundly. But your plans haven’t. Consequently, your priority must be rethinking those plans.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Although usually the intensified feelings triggered by the Full Moon arise beforehand, because this particular one accents communication, you’ll be just as aware of those emotions now and over the coming days. Unsettling as they are, what you learn from them will more than justify the ups and downs you’re experiencing.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Every once in a while circumstances force you to take a tough line, and in a situation where you’d have thought others would recognise how crucial their responsibilities are. Since they don’t, you’re in the difficult position of explaining why they must fulfil their commitments. Deep down, they know you’re right.

Leo July 22 – August 22

Usually the build up to the Full Moon is what’s most powerful. However, the current Full Moon is in the sign of Leo. Consequently, its influence on you and on close relationships is likely to trigger pivotal events and crucial discussions, now and over the coming days and, perhaps, weeks.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

If asked, you’d probably say that, in most areas if your life, you know exactly what you think. Between now and late next week, however, events will highlight issues which you’ve been ignoring, mostly because of this lack of clarity. Events are forcing you to investigate, and then take a stance.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Often, the results of your efforts in dealing with challenging situations appear swiftly and are clear cut. However, because you’re dealing with the heightened emotions triggered by the Full Moon, your interpretation could be based more on feelings than fact. Still, even without proof, there’s no denying their benefits.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Every Scorpio has a powerful diplomatic streak. This enables you to encourage those who’re anxious and prevent those who’re hasty from acting in ways they’d regret. But now, that same diplomacy demands you back off, even if it means allowing one particular individual to do things that, ultimately, they’d regret.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

It’s the rare Sagittarius who holds a grudge. But one or two individuals have caused you such difficulties you’d rather not have to deal with them again. Try to overcome those feelings. They were having a tough time. But that’s over, and they aren’t just better company, they’ve some stunning ideas in mind.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

The next few days won’t just provide an entertaining break during a demanding period, who you meet and what you learn could be of considerable importance. The trick is to explore everything that arises however impractical or unappealing it seems. Once you learn more, you’ll discover a thrilling, and completely unanticipated, potential.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

After a series of frustrating discussions, and in several situations, you’re about to withdraw into silence, at least until the mood improves. It will, and within day or so. In fact, you might even find it profitable to revisit certain of those matters that seemed to cause such problems. Suddenly everybody will be enthusiastic.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

With the Sun and the retrograde Mercury both in the most sensitive angle of your chart, you’re feeling confused. You know the facts, but are in no position to do much about them. Yet you’re tempted to take action anyway. Don’t. Within a few days you’ll realise how unwise it would have been.


Good timing is in part due to luck. But it’s also the result of an inquisitive mind and a willingness to explore even what seems uninteresting. The result? It’s encounters that turn into something interesting, a few of which become exciting. And all because you were willing to venture into unfamiliar and, perhaps, dull territory. Your birthday chart suggests you remind yourself of this regularly, and regard those insights as stepping stones to a full and exciting life.