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There was a time when leaving a dog in kennels was filled with enough dread and anxiety to ruin a holiday before it even started.

Now, thanks to the efforts of a host of Dubai-based pet-lovers and animal professionals, the chance of finding a good fit for you and your fur-child is now very high. However, peace of mind still comes from spending a little time ticking a handful of boxes before you commit to accommodation or day care facilities.

Here’s what you should consider:

* Choose only a licensed facility that can show the outcome of routine Dubai Municipality inspections.

* Be clear on what a typical day looks like and be comfortable with the routine. Gone are the days (thankfully) when dogs stay in kennels all day and night except for short walks. Check that there are separate rest and play areas, swimming pools, organised activities, and structured socialisation sessions.

* Make sure the facility has a dedicated toilet area that is available routinely for toilet breaks during the day, so your dog doesn’t get used to having to go to the toilet indoors.

* Check that the play areas have non-slip surfaces. Legs and spines can get damaged on slippery surfaces.

* Be confident that there’s enough qualified and trained handlers to ensure your dog is supervised throughout the day — and especially overnight.

* Insist on being able to see detailed records of weight changes, bathroom habits, feeding and general behaviour during each stay.

* If you want your dog in its own room, make sure it happens — especially at mealtimes.

* And insist on being able to watch your dog in its room on CCTV wherever and whenever you choose.