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As we approach 2025, it’s worth asking: Is the side hustle revolution still in full swing, or has it plateaued? What is its growing trend, its appeal to Gen Z and Millennials, and how can you dive into this world with success. Image Credit: Shutterstock

Ever thought where the term side hustle came from? This phrase has evolved from a niche concept to a mainstream phenomenon.

Explore how Instagram influencers to freelance writers and e-commerce entrepreneurs, millions of people are channelling their passions into profitable side ventures as well as the steps to make it work for you too.

As we approach 2025, it’s worth asking: Is the side hustle revolution still in full swing, or has it plateaued? What is its growing trend, its appeal to Gen Z and Millennials, and how can you dive into this world with success.

Bhavik Mehta, deputy head research - investment products at investment company Century Financial explained the definition of a side hustle saying

A side hustle refers to an additional work or income-generating activity pursued alongside a primary job or commitment. What makes side hustles so appealing is their potential to provide financial diversification, reduce reliance on a single income stream, and offer opportunities for skill development and entrepreneurial exploration.

- Bhavik Mehta

Why and when did the side hustle movement begin?

The side hustle craze gained momentum in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis when job security became a distant memory for many.

As the gig economy expanded, more people started looking for additional streams of income to cushion their financial stability.

Fast forward to today, and the side hustle has morphed into a cultural cornerstone, buoyed by technological advancements and a shift in societal attitudes toward work.

Side hustles encompass a broad range of activities, from freelance graphic design and writing to drop shipping and tutoring. It involves any kind of monetised passion or hobby.

This flexibility allows individuals to tailor their side gigs to their skills and interests, creating a more personalised and enjoyable experience.

Khaled Abuljebain, founder of Hope It Helps Media Consulting and the Hope It Helps Podcast shared insights with Gulf News about the background of the side hustle revolution.

In my view, the side hustle revolution is just beginning. The Covid-19 pandemic was a significant catalyst, prompting many to re-evaluate their careers and aspirations, especially millennials.

- Khaled Abuljebain

“For the first time, people started to look beyond their daily jobs and realised that their existing skills could be leveraged to explore new areas, industries, and opportunities—essentially turning their passions into viable businesses.”

Khaled Abuljebain discovered his passion in life and turned it around to be not just his side hustle, but his full-time job.

“If you had told me four years' ago that I would discover my true passion in life—podcasting—and then build a thriving business around it, I would have said it was an impossible dream, one that I didn’t even know I had. But here I am, living proof that the world is more open than ever before,” Abuljebain shared with Gulf News.

Is the side hustle revolution over or is it still going?

The notion that the side hustle revolution might be over isn’t entirely accurate. While the landscape is certainly evolving, the demand for additional income streams and personal fulfilment remains strong.

Factors like inflation, rising living costs, and job market volatility continue to drive people towards side hustles.

The side hustle scene is maturing. As more people jump on the bandwagon, the market becomes increasingly saturated. This increased competition means that standing out and maintaining a successful side hustle requires more strategic thinking and effort than ever before. The concept is also evolving from mere supplementary income to a potential path toward financial independence, and freedom and self-investment.

Are Gen Z and millennials drawn to side hustles?

Firstly, lets define the age brackets of these two generations.

Gen Z are roughly born between 1997 and 2012, while millennials are roughly born between 1981 and 1996.

“When it comes to Gen Z and millennials, side hustles hold appeal. These younger generations prioritise flexibility in their work arrangements, seeking opportunities that align with their passions and offer a sense of purpose.

“They are digital savvy and comfortable leveraging technology to explore and excel inside gigs. With the gig economy providing a platform for remote work and flexible arrangements, side hustles have become a means for Gen Z and Millennials to pursue their interests, gain experience, and achieve financial independence,” said Mehta.

To break down it further, the appeal of side hustles is particularly strong among Gen Z and millennials, and the reason being several factors.

Desire for flexibility: Both generations value flexibility in their work lives. Side hustles offer the ability to set your own schedule, choose projects, and work from virtually anywhere. This flexibility aligns perfectly with the desire for a work-life balance and autonomy.

Passion projects: Millennials and Gen Z are known for pursuing work that aligns with their passions. Side hustles provide an avenue to turn hobbies and interests into income streams, making work feel more meaningful and enjoyable.

Entrepreneurial spirit: Growing up in a digital age with access to numerous online resources, these generations are more inclined towards entrepreneurship. Side hustles allow them to experiment with business ideas and gain experience without committing to a full-time venture.

Financial necessity: Economic pressures, such as student debt and high living costs, push many younger individuals to seek additional income sources. Side hustles can alleviate financial strain and provide a buffer against economic uncertainties.

What are some tips to get started with your side hustle?

Sagar Chotrani

Sagar Chotrani, co-founder, and CEO of UAE-based media agency Publsh shared insights from his experience of co-founding his own side hustle.

“For aspiring entrepreneurs, identifying a market gap, and developing a unique solution is crucial. Thorough market research, coupled with a strong drive for acquiring sales while starting out will be the driving force behind overall company growth.

“This will be followed by media presence. Flexibility and a willingness to adapt are essential for navigating the competitive landscape. Online resources and supportive communities can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.”

If you’re considering starting a side hustle, here are some practical tips to get you on the right track:

Identify your strengths and interests: Choose a side hustle that aligns with your skills and passions. Whether it’s graphic design, writing, or crafting, selecting something you enjoy will increase your chances of success and satisfaction.

Research market demand: Investigate the demand for your chosen side hustle. Use tools like Google Trends, social media insights, and industry forums to gauge interest and competition.

Create a business plan: Even for a side hustle, having a basic business plan is crucial. Outline your goals, target audience, pricing strategy, and marketing approach. A well-thought-out plan will guide your efforts and help you stay focused.

Leverage technology: Take advantage of digital tools and platforms to streamline your side hustle. Use project management software, marketing automation tools, and online marketplaces to enhance efficiency and reach a broader audience.

Build a brand: Establishing a personal brand can set you apart from the competition. Develop a professional online presence through a website, social media, and portfolios. Consistent branding helps build credibility and attract clients or customers.

Start small and scale gradually: Begin with manageable goals and gradually expand your side hustle. This approach allows you to test the waters, learn from experiences, and scale up as you gain confidence and resources.

Network and collaborate: Engage with other side hustlers and professionals in your field. Networking can provide valuable insights, collaboration opportunities, and potential referrals.

Stay organised: Balancing a side hustle with a full-time job or other responsibilities requires organisation. Use calendars, to-do lists, and time management techniques to keep track of tasks and deadlines.

Other than the tips for you to embark on your side hustle journey, there are several resources can assist you in launching and growing your side hustle.

Online courses: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses on various skills and business topics.

Freelance websites: Websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients seeking services.

Social media: Utilise platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook for marketing, networking, and building an audience.

“With the rapid advancement of AI technology and an abundance of digital tools at our disposal, the barriers to entry have never been lower. While it's certainly not easy, the potential to succeed is undeniable. The key lies in making the decision to pursue what truly excites you and then committing to the journey. In this new era, the only limits are the ones we impose on ourselves,” added Abuljebain.

The side hustle revolution is not over; it’s evolving. As technology advances and societal expectations shift, the nature of side hustles will continue to change. The growing emphasis on personal fulfilment, financial independence, and entrepreneurial ventures suggests that side hustles will remain a prominent aspect of the modern work landscape.

For Gen Z and millennials, side hustles represent more than just extra income, they symbolise empowerment, creativity, and self-investment.

If you seek to balance your passions with your financial goals, the side hustle trend will continue to thrive.

The international Dubai- based multimedia studio Sila Sveta was a side hustle back in 2008. Cofounded by Alexander Us and Alex Rozov, it has grown from independent do it yourself (DIY) projects to shows with the main pop stars and the greatest sports events in Middle East and North Africa (Mena).

Despite the studio's success, we’ve always remained true to our roots and independent art projects. The dedication to our craft has driven our evolution from a small, experimental group to a globally recognised creative studio. The tip is to be driven by curiosity and a desire to explore new creative territories rather than fame and commercial success

- Alexander Us

A lot of tycoon brands that we now know of started off as side hustles. Brands such as Airbnb and Etsy started off as a thought that transformed into a plan of action and ultimately a multimillion business.

Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or explore a new passion, the side hustle remains a viable and dynamic opportunity. By staying informed, leveraging resources, and applying strategic approaches, you can navigate the evolving landscape and make the most of this enduring revolution.