The Desert Rose Golfing Society has over 160 members and is EGF-affiliated
The Desert Rose Golfing Society has over 160 members and is EGF-affiliated Image Credit: Courtesy EGF

It is not just a man’s game. I can prove it.

You will be astounded how the ladies game of golf is bubbling in the UAE. I organise about 100 golf events a year in the UAE through the ‘Desert Rose Golfing Society’, which has over 160 members, all resident in the UAE and EGF-affiliated.

Ladies golf is my passion in life and we are currently in the process of launching the Desert Rose Golfing Society (DRGS), supported by Gulf News (more on that next time).

I have been driven to put female golfing on the map in the UAE and have spent a few years to make this happen, A few months ago, with a bit of help from my friends, we set up DRGS and it has steamrolled — we will have 200 members very soon.

This non-profit set-up is a platform to promote the ladies game in what is a male-dominated sport. We have 32 nationalities and 29 languages among our members, which illustrates our diverse community, even at this early age.

With two golfing events a week, each of which signs up 40 players, we know the demand is there, and we pay it back with charity events, pro-ams and theme nights from Valentine’s to Halloween.

With the UAE game thriving, we are also heading to other countries, with COVID-19-protocol permitting trips to Thailand and Mauritius coming up. The tricky parts are well taken care of by our travel partner and we have taken our DRGS team to South Africa, Thailand and Vietnam in the past. We will be back!

I look forward to sharing all the news on ladies’ golf in the UAE, what is happening and how we can take the game to the next level. The Desert Rose is here.