For some reason, I had not been able to keep up with my fitness regime for quite some time. So, when we had two holidays in a row I decided to make up for my interrupted programme. I gave priority to my most favourite activity — a long walk.

I was bubbling with enthusiasm on visiting, rather revisiting, our promenade, a huge park, after a long gap. Having done several rounds of the park, I felt exhausted and came out onto the road on my way back home.

I was out of the hustle-bustle that marks the otherwise serene atmosphere when so many walkers converge at the place. Now, I was a loner, walking on the footpath undisturbed, engrossed in my own thoughts. Such occasions have quite often provided me with the kind of opportunity to plan things and untie knots that have defied solution. Like anybody else, I too had my quota of problems. And quite often, when I found the right answers, I felt like shouting, "Eureka. eureka", even at the risk of being dubbed a lunatic by curious onlookers. That day also, I was lost in my own thoughts.

My head bowed, I was silently planning my strategy on an issue that had been bothering the family when I felt somebody stalking me. Who it could be and what were his designs? I wondered.

I stopped suddenly. So did the stalker. Will he attack me or just pounce to relieve me of my belongings? Should I give him a surprise and catch him by his collar before he attacks?

Even as I was weighing these options, I felt something rubbing against my left leg. Swiftly, I turned to grab him. Oh my God! What a surprise! The stalker turned out to be a lovely white and brown pup. I felt relieved. Both of us stopped. I looked into its eyes inquisitively. The pup looked into mine beseechingly and let out a moan. It was pleading for help.

I took pity on the pup, a male, wanting to know about his plight. I started walking. The pup also moved along. Seemingly, he had lost his way or probably his mother and was now a loner. What to do about him? I asked myself.

Commotion on road

I lifted him in my arms and sat at a nearby bus stand hoping that its rightful owner might spot and claim him. During those 15-20 minutes we spent together, we had become friends. We exchanged kisses and further strengthened our bonds. Onlookers enjoyed the scene.

It became clear that he was a street dog, not a pet. While fondling the white and brown pup I was wondering about the force that brought us together. There were many others on the road but why did he choose to come to me? What was that instinct? We know that like humans, animals also have feelings. They love and hate, get angry, are often selective etc. True, I am an animal lover. But how did this pup know?

There was another factor that set me thinking. Even as I was caressing my new found love, there was some commotion on the road. The municipal corporation's dog catching squad had descended from nowhere. As its men went about their job, stray dogs were running helter skelter. Watching the scene, the little pup dug himself deep into my lap.

He calmed down, had a look at me and at the people waiting at the bus stand. Suddenly, it let out a strong growl in the direction of the dog catchers in a valiant demonstration of his might. There was laughter. I carried him home where kids welcomed their new friend with gusto. Henceforth, he was to stay with us.

However, a question that came to my mind and remains unanswered was: Did the pup stalk me because he had a hunch about the municipal squad's arrival and was looking for some saviour?


Lalit Raizada is a journalist based in India.