Police in Israel have wrapped up an investigation that took well over a year into accusations of bribery and corruption against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — and have recommended that he be prosecuted by courts there. That it took so long to reach that conclusions comes as a little surprise — he is morally corrupt when it comes to his government’s deliberate and wilful mistreatment of Palestinians.

But why stop with charges that arose from receiving boxes of cigars and lavish gifts, all with the intent of influencing Netanyahu? Hold him responsible for the deliberate theft of Palestinian lands; the wilful destruction of Palestinian homes; the criminal kidnapping of protesters from streets; the assassination of demonstrators; grievous bodily harm for injuring thousands in attacks on Gaza; premeditated murder by unleashing his armed forces; of occupation on those living in the Gaza Strip; and the perversion of justice in ordering the rolling administrative detentions of prisoners; and intimidation and threatening behaviour for the secret trial of Ahed Tamimi.

If prosecutors in Israel were really serious and committed to the principles of justice, the list would be endless. As it is, the Israeli justice system serves Israelis alone. In any normal nation, a Prime Minister facing such charges would be morally obliged to step aside. Every Israeli PM over the past 20 years has faced corruption allegations. It goes with the job, and former President Ehud Olmert served 17 of 26 months on similar charges. Israel is no normal nation, nor can morals be placed in the same sentence as the name of its prime minister. The least Netanyahu can do is stand down.