As a generation of baby boomers enters retirement and healthy bodies turn frail, governments have a responsibility to ensure that the ill are treated with dignity in their greying days.

A recent study in Britain suggests that as many as 50,000 old people suffering from dementia have been forced into care homes unnecessarily because they cannot receive the support they need at home.

Dementia is a debilitating condition that alters the thinking process of seniors, changing their outlook, replacing normal thinking with paranoia.

There is a difference between dementia and debilitating conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease, which robs the mind of memory.

Sadly, though, given Britain's huge spending cuts and its need to get its public finances under control, there is little room to manoeuvre for health authorities.

Dementia sufferers, however, can continue to thrive with home care visits and programmes that stimulate. Shutting dementia sufferers away wrongly is a waste of funds.