

Everybody has dreams, hopes of cherished wishes being fulfilled. While the superb link between the Sun and fortunate Jupiter on your birthday indicates exactly that, the form these events, ideas, offers or encounters take could differ greatly from anything you’d imagined. However, that’s the point. These are taking you into new, exciting, worthwhile but also, unfamiliar territory. That being the case, explore absolutely everything. What seems least appealing initially could turn out to be brilliant in the long run.

Aries March 20 – April 19

When you make a plan, you ask questions and think things through, so once the facts are clear, you’ll stick with what you’ve organised. Ordinarily, that’s fine, but with so much changing, that could create problems. The more flexible your attitude, the more swiftly you’ll adapt plans to suit those changes.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Certain individuals have been unreliable recently. While you could assume they’re like that, don’t judge them so swiftly. They’re dealing with the same unsettling developments you are, which means what should be simple arrangements will change, and change again. Try to be patient. Once things are calmer, there’ll be fewer problems.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Don’t be surprised if, again and again, you must defend your logic or justify your thinking about certain matters. It’s not that you have your facts wrong but, instead, you’re in the midst of a cycle of dramatic change, which means that even seemingly straightforward facts won’t necessarily be reliable.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

The Cancer New Moon is in a week’s time. While this occurs every year, and begins a powerful new cycle, this one is an eclipse. And that means it’s triggering breakthroughs, some of which you may already sense. Explore everything. What’s least expected could prove best in the long run.

Leo July 22 – August 22

If you feel into the mood to review, if not rethink, certain elements of your life, it’s no surprise. However, you’re unlikely to have either the facts or the clarity of mind you’ll need until after the 22nd, when the Sun moves into Leo. For now, focus on exploring your options

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Not only is planning ahead a virtue, from your perspective, knowing what’s what and, equally, what’s expected of you makes life a lot easier. Still, with three eclipses between now and mid-August shaking things up, even the simplest of plans are unlikely to last as you first conceived of them.

Libra September 23 – October 22

There’s long been talk of reorganising elements of your domestic setup but, to your relief, nothing has happened. These changes are about to take place and, in fact, aren’t just timely, they’re long overdue. But you won’t recognise that until you’ve actually made them, which is good reason to get things moving.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

As a Scorpio, you’re amazingly discreet. Mostly this is a virtue but, currently, it could cause you problems. When discussing certain seriously tricky issues recently, you were so tactful it seemed nothing difficult had been raised. Which means others are still expecting an uncomfortable conversation. You must now explain it’s already taken place.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Planning ahead may be wise, and others often advise you to do exactly that. However, you’ve found most practical and financial decisions are best dealt with when they arise. This will be especially the case this week, when sudden and often entirely unexpected developments could turn situations around, often within minutes.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

From your point of view, the ideas or offers currently being discussed are brilliant. The problem is that not everybody agrees about their promise. In fact, one particular individual is worried about certain issues. Don’t argue. Instead, ask them to detail their concerns. Judging by the current planetary setup, they could be right.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Disruptive as last minute changes in plans are, the second these new ideas or offers arise, you’ll recognise their promise. The problem, however, will be convincing certain less inquisitive individuals that’s the case. Take it slowly. You’ll win them over, but it will require both lots of facts and just as much persistence.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

You’ve a knack for being tactful, even in tricky situations. Yet now you’ll need to adopt a very different approach. There are one or two situations in which you must be forthright, if not out and out blunt. Think about the points you need to make, then do so, one by one.