Suspicious activity

I have a postpaid line from etisalat, which has an outstanding bill, as I had to travel to my home country due to the need for medical treatment, in the beginning of 2015. I returned in September 2015 and started receiving calls from a collection agency called Tahseel - Hadaf Al Khaleej Debt Collection, which apparently works on behalf of etisalat.

I informed them that I haven’t used the line since the beginning of 2015, therefore they should waive all the extra charges. But they kept on insisting that I should pay the actual bill, only then would they reverse the extra amount. I found this suspicious.

On November 26, I received a call from them. There was a man on the other end, who said he was from etisalat’s legal department. He said they are going to proceed with legal action against me, due to non-payment. I tried to explain the whole scenario to him but he started abusing and cursing me.

I launched a complaint with etisalat straight away, but as expected, I haven’t received any reply from them. I intend not to pay a single dirham of that bill after this. I demand that etisalat give me an official apology, or I will escalate the matter.

From Mr Basit Ali


The management of etisalat responds:

Kindly note that the customer’s issue was resolved and the customer was updated. He accepted the closing of his case.

(Process initiation: January 5, 2016. Response from organisation: January 17. Process completion: February 8.)

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