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Learning how to live with different types of personalities makes us more adaptable to life's curveballs. Sharing a home is a very common aspect of living in Dubai. Rents are high, so sharing is essential sometimes. 

There are people who enjoy their housemates, while others struggle with their OCD behaviour or extreme messiness. 

 Which one of these is your housemate?

The Clean Freak

Scrubbing the kitchen tiles and bathroom walls. Straightening the tilted picture frame on the walls. Having a spotless home sounds like a dream, but if you're someone who isn't as diligent with cleaning, then this housemate could make you feel uneasy and even guilty living in your own home.

As they tend to be obsessed with cleaning, sharing the home can become quite difficult. However, if you work out a balance with this person, it does feel nice to come home to a really clean space.

Tip: Work out the deal breakers, for example: Dirty dishes over night  are a strong no. But laundry day doesn't need to be everyday. 

The Messy One

The opposite extreme can also be hard to handle. Leaving their used dishes in the sink for days? Ignoring mounting piles of garbage? Yup, we know the type. In a shared space, a mess can be the worst thing, especially when there's no real divide between you and your housemate. (Homes here can be quite small)

Not all messy people are dirty though. If they have an 'order in chaos' mentality, they would be open to a few changes to make you more comfortable. 

Tip: Create a chore calendar and make sure they follow through.

The Party Rat

It's a lot of fun to have a very active housemate. However, having one who might go out on a whim and invite friends to come over regularly to have a good time can cost you your sleep, invade your private space, and even mess up your head. 

Tip: Tell your roommate about the noise and possibly set up a system where he or she has to let you know a few hours in advance if a large group of friends is coming over.

The Phantom

You've never seen them. They aren't home when you are, they can never stay inside their house at all. Sometimes you are no longer sure if they exist. You might just hear the door open and close as they come or go. Rent is paid, bills are paid, but there is no sign of the roommate.

Tip: What are you even complaining about?

The Night Owl

This housemate is up and buzzing after dark. They are remarkably more productive while staying up all night. You sometimes feel jealous as you head out to your 9am meeting and this housemate is all smiles after rounding off the last episode of Game of Thrones along with work, getting ready for a good morning of sleep.

Tip: Treat them like you would the phantom ones.

The passive aggressive Post-it 

Any slight problem or issue will be penned by this person on bright coloured post-its with bold markers, such as: stolen food, messy microwave, bath timings, and clothes dryer schedule. They’d actually do the same on group chats. You can't miss it, but you so want to because they're like silent post-it note screams.

Tip: Do not rise to the bait – ignore it.

The Drama King or Queen

A drama king or queen is a nightmare to live with. There's always something to whine about; the deadlines, the lift, money or love issues. Live with this rain cloud at your own peril. Most drama kings/queens aren't bad at heart though, so if you grow to like them, just make sure you don't turn into one yourself.

Tip: Approach with caution.

The Borrower

Shampoo. Money. Bags. Clothes. Food. Socks. Yes, even socks. They'd ask you in the sweetest and most charming way, with a guarantee that they'll give it back as soon as they can. 

Tip: While helping a friend in need is great, a habit of borrowing can become an issue. Know where to draw the line.

The Sharer

This housemate is the total opposite of the borrower. He or she always has something to share. They'll even be the first to offer. They have spare pins, cup noodles, fabric conditioner, napkins, pins, pillow cases, jacket, pants and would be more than glad to let you use their comforter as they freeze to death.

Tip: Let us move in. 

The Chef 

The heart of the whole household - this housemate does not only cook well but will make meals for others in the home as well. We love these housemates.

Tip: Food is life; do not mess with this person. Eat, help, repeat

Golden Rule: Respect your housemates and their things as you would want them to reciprocate likewise.