Sexy Syrian singer Nana isn't famous for her unforgettable performances or her sweet voice, but for scandals - especially for her tumultuous relationship with Khalil, her boyfriend of many years, whom she also tried to shoot.

Last September, a sex clip of Nana and Khalil was circulated via mobile phones in Beirut. Nana accused Khalil of distributing the homemade movie.

Last week, Khalil allegedly tried to burn down Nana's house. It is suggested that he entered her bedroom, gathered all her clothes and shoes and set them alight. The singer wasn't at home during the incident.

After inspecting her house, Nana complained to the police and Khalil was arrested a few hours later. "I hope he stays in jail. He is blackmailing me. After the film scandal, I left him and he cannot understand that our story is over", Nana said.

"Khalil burned my clothes, because he doesn't want me to have anything to wear, so I would be unable to leave the house and work. He wants me to stay with him so he can take my money. I just want him to leave me alone", she added.

- Patricia Khoder