Sasan Nasernia’s contemporary exhibition “Calligraphic Confluence” launches on October 8 and runs until October 31 at Alserkal Avenue’s Mestaria Gallery which specialises in works of Arabic, African and Asian origin

Mestaria Gallery at Alserkal Avenue in Dubai has just announced that Iranian artist Sasan Nasernia will launch “Calligraphic Confluence” on October 8 running to October 31.

Using calligraphy as his expression of Persian heritage in art, Nasernia pushes boundaries with his converging themes and his lifelong passion for the ancient practice of Islamic calligraphy. Visitors to the exhibition can look forward to “Calligraphic Confluence” inspiring thought regarding reality and myth, with canvases full of vivid colours and textures, depicting sinuous figures of humans and animals within the abstract nature of calligraphic shapes.

“In this collection the style of Islamic Calligram meets another core part of my heritage and influence; the art of Persian miniature paintings and its pinnacle the ‘Book of Kings’ or ‘Shahnameh.’ by Ferdowsi,” explains Nasernia. “The stories in this epic book tell endless wars between the forces of good and evil and how heroes and villains struggled in order to take the rein of power over the land and its people.”

Born and raised in Tehran, Nasernia got his interest in writing from his father who planted the seed for his fascination with the aesthetics of calligraphy. At the Azad Art University in Tehran he studied graphic design and fine art specialising in digital typography, and developing his creative interest to include a passion for music, history, religion, spirituality, politics and philosophy. This deeper understanding of the world around him allows Nasernia to incorporate a wider scope of meaning to his art.