Carolyn is Master NLP life coach at Blue Sky Life Coaching. Image Credit: Grace Paras/ANM

Name: Carolyn Coe

Profession: Master NLP life coach at Skyrocket (www.wecanskyrocket.com)

Mission: “To ignite the inner spark that creates lasting change and have a lot of ‘A-ha!’ moments along the way.”

My life coaching philosophy is… “When you know who you are, what you want and have the mindset and the map to get you there, problems, distractions and old limiting beliefs are just tiny stones on the side of the road.”

I got into NLP life coaching because… “I made a conscious decision to create a career centred around what I truly love, rather than one that had a fancy title, or that offered me the biggest pay packet. I had both of those and I was never happy, so I changed.”

My favourite part of being an NLP life coach is… “Those ‘A ha!’ moments.”

If I wasn’t a life coach… “I’d be an even better life coach than I am now.”