Concert: Glenn perry sings for myanmar

Dubai-based singer-songwriter Glenn Perry will perform a concert, ‘Ray of Hope for Nargis Victims' to raise funds for the people affected by the Myanmar cylone. Perry, who will play a solo, unplugged session of his popular songs.

  • Where: Ramada Hotel Dubai.
  • When: June 20, at 7.30pm

Ballad king: Kazem Al Saher in town

Iraqi singer Kazem Al Saher who is famous for his romantic ballads performs tonight.

  • Where: Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi
  • When: June 19,
  • Tickets: Dh350, Dh500

Arabic sounds: Traditional music

A trio of Syrian musicians will enthrall crowds with their renditions of traditional Arabic songs .

  • When: Daily, from 8pm until midnight and weekends from 2.30pm until 4pm.
  • Where: Wafi City