Amber Dale: “In social situations I sometimes get lost for words and panic, which has really begun to dent my confidence.” Image Credit: Grace Paras/ANM

A violent bout of food poisoning followed by a tumble down a flight of stairs, and a few hours in a hospital could not stop me from doing some kind of exercise, however little it was. It was hard but I’m happy I managed to get some exercise into my schedule and maintain the momentum I had built up to this point.

Weddings always present the perfect temptation as far as food is concerned, and this big fat Indian wedding was no different. The upside was that there was plenty of protein for me to choose from in the form of fresh, home-made tandoori chicken, fish, and lentils. So it was a relief for me as far as my nutrition was concerned as the house chef considered all my requests – what more can one ask for?

This week I also met with the image consultant and stylist Ingrid from Simply Be, as part of the challenge. Ingrid was brilliant at determining my dressing style, and advised me on my best colours and how I should be wearing certain items. I finally know my body shape, my dressing style, and the colours that look best on me. She also gave me simple and fast tips on make-up, and for someone who doesn’t wear a lot of make-up, it was a relief to know that I don't need to slather on foundation everyday. I’m so happy to have met Ingrid!

I also had my third life coaching session with Shana during which we spoke about overcoming limitations. Shana is brilliant, her coaching is like a new start for me. She’s helped me find myself, and I can’t wait for my next session next week.

With a couple of weeks left, I’m determined to give it all I have!