
After 19 years, actor Polo Ravales has set his sights on transferring to another network, leaving his mother studio, GMA, where he has been a contract artist for 19 years. He shares his future plans with tabloid!.

Your contract with GMA expired last year. Since that time, you have been rumoured to be transferring to other TV networks. What are your plans?

It is true [that] my contract with GMA expired last year, but I still did a couple of soaps for them. I am also included in their latest big project, Ilustrado, a TV series on the life of our national hero, Jose Rizal. I am thankful that they included me in this project, so my last with them would be something to remember me by.

So, you are definitely transferring?

Yes, I have had meetings with ABS CBN executives. I am just waiting for the final offer. I am really looking forward to this change, if it finally happens. You never know until you have a signed contract, whether it’s just for a programme or long-term. It would be nice to work with new artists and directors — I could learn from these new experiences.

What if GMA makes a counter offer?

I will consider it, of course. GMA has been my home for the past 19 years, I grew up here, have many close friends and work well with people here. So it is comfortable for me to stay here, but I am looking for new challenges. If there is a project that would help me grow and learn as an artist, I am open to that.

What has been your most memorable programme?

The first one is definitely one of my best experiences. It was in 1995 with TGIS. I was part of this batch of young artists who were being groomed to be the next stars of GMA. I will remember that forever. I have had lead and non-lead roles that I truly enjoyed, but this one in Ilustrado is one that can easily rank as one of my best projects. And in terms of relevance, I think this will be one of those that will have a wider social impact, so I am really happy to be a part of it.

Who in ABS CBN would you like to work with?

There are a lot, the likes of Anne Curtis, Sarah Geronimo, Bea Alonzo. It would be an honour for me if I get the chance to work with them.

What sort of roles are you looking to do?

I have done quite a variety of roles, but the ones I really look forward to doing are the likes of a mentally challenged character, or a high calibre lawyer arguing a case…