

A few days ago, I was going to drop a donation bag into the charity box located in our area. I found something strange and shocking. There was garbage shoved inside the charity box (as seen in photograph).

How could we even think of misusing the charity boxes in this manner? We are blessed to live in a country that gives us ample opportunity to participate in acts of charity and donations, limited not only to the month of Ramadan but throughout the year. We should respect the noble cause for which these mobile donation boxes have been installed and maintained by the authorities across the different emirates.

In fact, these donation boxes are a silent reminder to us that we should not forget our duties towards the less fortunate members of our society. It inspires us to share our blessings with others and in turn, gives us immense satisfaction.

There are many other environmentally friendly and sensible ways of disposing garbage, such as through garbage and recycling bins. We should also remember that dumping garbage in charity bins does not solve the problem of littering. It’s a senseless act, which mocks the very act of charity.

During the month of Ramadan, let’s all take a pledge to make use of charity bins for its true purpose.

The reader is a student based in Sharjah.

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