Settled but not cleared

I was issued a settlement letter from FGB on July 18, 2013, and the payment was done on the same date. It was confirmed by the FGB staff that the clearance letter would be provided once the payment was done. Since then, I have been continuously contacting the collection staff and they have provided me a settlement letter and confirmed that it is a clearance letter, which has been issued from the bank.

Last week, I visited Central Bank to clear my name, which is blacklisted, and they confirmed that the letter, which I hold, is a settlement letter and the clearance letter is different. Since then, I have been running to various different agents at the collections unit, and now they are refusing to issue me the clearance letter.

From Mr Khalid Bin Syed


The management of FGB responds:

FGB is grateful for all customer feedback, to which we give careful consideration as we strive to consistently deliver the highest standards of service. The bank has been in contact with Mr Bin Syed and the issue has been resolved to his satisfaction.

Mr Bin Syed responds:

I received the clearance letter from FGB after a long fight, since 2013, and in the end, Gulf News supported me by getting me out of this big problem. Thank you for the support.

(Process initiation: January 5, 2016. Response from organisation: January 5. Reader confirmation: 11.)

Editor’s note: Do you have similar issues that you would like to raise with us? You can write to us at