makeup brush with blue powder isolated on white Image Credit: Getty Images

With the new year come the usual resolutions to do better and be better in life. This often involves a gym membership. Here are five beauty tips that will (hopefully) improve your life without the need of a treadmill.

Focus on skincare

People spend hundreds of dirhams on foundations and primers to get their skin looking blemish free, but skimp on something as essential as skincare. Please ditch the brightly coloured supermarket-bought face wash and the alcohol-laden toner next year. Look for gentler products, preferably fragrance-free. Spend a little more and your face will thank you for years to come.

Hydrate more

For many years I thought my oily skin didn’t need moisturiser. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Every skin type needs a boost of moisture, and this becomes more important as you get older. Regular moisturising means skin that is less prone to dryness and itching, and even wrinkles. Good hydration also means slapping on lotion on the rest of the body and drinking lots of water.

Be brave about colour

It’s a new year so celebrate with some brights. Pink lipstick is a fun alternative to a classic red, and in my humble opinion is much easier to wear. Substitute the black eyeliner for an electric blue or jewel-toned green. Switch out the nude eyeshadow for plums, golds and yellows. There is always an exciting way to boost your daily look.

Change your hair

The best thing I did for my hair last year is get a bold fringe. Seeing my face in a new light did wonders for my self-esteem and I’m sure it will for you too. Start with a small change if your hair is sacred to you — such as cutting off a few inches, to getting a few streaks put in. If you’re feeling brave, get your stylist to change your style completely.

Less trends, more you

I love a good trend as much as the next Instagram model, but I feel like there’s so more to beauty and style than just following what’s in style right now. Instead of trying to emulate every trend to a T, try adapting them to your personal style. Spend more time finding out what’s right for your skin, face shape and personality, and less time buying products that won’t work for you.