It is shocking to note that media bias is still prevalent in the 21st century and the ignorance over the 2.000 lives that were lost in the Boko Haram massacre proved that. One would think that our mentality has advanced over time and that all lives are equal.

The Paris attack did indeed overtake all news channels and everyone’s attention but that does not necessarily mean that the African lives are deemed of less value. Unfortunately, media bias happens on a daily basis and it has become a constant battle of the West versus the East and ‘us’ against ‘them’ — whichever brings the most views wins. However, as massacres and attacks have become a daily routine in the East, it is no longer considered of importance to place on the cover, therefore, the Paris attack gained prominence as it broke the pattern.

It is sad that our news outlets took such a decision and that 19 lives were deemed of more importance than that of 2.000 lives. With that in mind, it is our responsibility as citizens of the world to raise our voice and to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves by spreading awareness on the reality of some people. If news outlets did not consider the Boko Haram massacre to be of any importance, what is stopping you and I from sharing it on our social media channels? We cannot expect change from others unless we make a move ourselves, because only when you change can you expect others to do the same. Let’s work to make this a better world for everyone!

- The reader is a student based in Gothenburg, Sweden