Image Credit: Dana A. Shams/Gulf News

Put on some mascara, a bit of lip gloss and chances are you will not only boost your looks but also your career. A recently conducted study in the US claims that wearing makeup actually helps women appear more trustworthy and competent. While the connection between makeup and self-image is well-known, whether it truly helps a woman win over trust appears to be contentious. This week, Gulf News readers share their views on the issue. Share your thoughts on the topic by posting your comments on our Facebook page, ‘Gulf News Al Nisr Publishing UAE' or tell us at readers@gulfnews.com.

12:04 Gulf News: Wearing makeup helps women gain trust in the workplace.

12:04 Sandhya Shetty: Cosmetics definitely boost a woman's level of confidence but I don't agree that they can take you places or up in your career.

12:07 Ramachandran Nair: I don't think so. It's basically reflecting the external part of a person, whereas internally, we never know how trustworthy a person is. Makeup gives just an added ‘beauty' to women and also hides the real, natural appearance. To me, that carries more value and impact. Achieving trust and confidence should be through work and activities. The external appearance is only a momentary attraction which may not sustain in the long run.

12:08 Sandhya Shetty: Fortunately for me, I do not belong in the group that goes overboard with makeup. Personally, if you ask me yes it does give one a boost and honestly it would make an impact in industry-related jobs. For example, if you apply for a job in an airline or at the front office of a hotel, good looks will definitely help you get a job and makeup can make you look much better than your actual self.

12:10 Ramachandran Nair: At the workplace, women need to be smart enough to discharge the assigned duties and responsibilities in a professional manner, in which there is absolutely no need to consider the physical appearance, particularly as the extra layer put on the face adds no value. However, physical appearance does makes a difference but it doesn't give an added advantage.

12:12 Sandhya Shetty: If we have to go by perceptions, I will give a thumbs-up to women who look good with the right kind of makeup. People's eyes look for women who will stand out in the crowd. However, trustworthiness has nothing to do with makeup. Whoever says you can gain trust by doing so, sorry to say, doesn't know the rules of the book yet. Trust is gained through hard work and dedication to one's job.

12:12 Ramachandran Nair: It is surprising to see this change in perception. We must realise that wearing makeup is just a temporary attempt to attract someone. To me, it has no added value. Based on simple logic, one cannot measure or judge someone on their appearance. The character, behaviour and emotions are critical to make a proper evaluation.

12:14 Gulf News: Fresh-faced women are associated with youth and inexperience.

12:14 Ramachandran Nair: People respect women not because of their physical appearance, but because it is part of a person's nature which includes the values of understanding and admiring them. Looking young does not mean they are not reliable and trustworthy.

12:16 Sandhya Shetty: I think the statement is wrong, since - if you read articles and surveys - the trend has changed. Gone are the times when older women wanted to look young. Now teenagers are going for beauty products. However, I do agree that as you grow old you tend to fall prey to age-defying beauty products. Being fresh-faced definitely does not equal to inexperience. Some women are genetically gifted with ever-youthful skin. Even if she has been in an industry for long, she can look fresh-faced but that does not mean that she is inexperienced.

12:19 Ramachandran Nair: Honest and good-looking women would be comfortable in dealing with people. However, lack of experience, skill or wisdom always makes the difference. Today, younger people are always inclined towards change, and are trying to fashion their approach and attitude to best suit the circumstances.

12:21 Sandhya Shetty: I never applied makeup till I was 20 years old since my father was very strict. But I still won over friends, got a college title at the age of 18 and life was always good. I did not miss not having the make up on. My mantra in life is very simple - do things but don't overdo it.

12:25 Gulf News: Plain Janes are respected but women wearing make-up are popular.

12:26 Sandhya Shetty: I have to be honest here, brownie points in the workplace definitely go to the women who look attractive, compared to Plain Janes. I personally feel that every woman likes to feel good, that goodness can be in a way where she feels just light makeup will boost her confidence level. I don't expect women to come to office looking like they are going for a photoshoot but I also accept that Plain Janes don't win over ‘glamour dolls'.

12:26 Ramachandran Nair: There are women who follow a simple dress code, do not want to give any priority to their physical appearance, but do take good care of their calibre and overall responsibilities. I have met many during almost 25 years of my career. But that is changing, since there is a change in perceptions among the youth.

12:28 Sandhya Shetty: Yes. In today's corporate world, I will follow what my dad taught me - "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Business ethics require a particular dress sense including makeup. But, I reiterate that wearing make cannot gain a person's trust.

12:33 Ramachandran Nair: We all have to maintain a good level of appearance when we are at work. Some corporations do follow certain standards, but I haven't come across any issues related to not wearing makeup.

Gulf News poll result

Gulf News asked: Do you think wearing makeup can help women gain people's confidence?

  • 51% - Yes
  • No - 49%

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