AFP Image Credit: AFP

Not needed

I quite often find myself questioning Gulf News’ decisions to post such graphic photographs alongside their news reports (‘Cairo police officer killed while defusing bomb’, Gulf News, January 6). Undoubtedly, the policeman is brave but I think it’s unnecessary to show the photos.

From Ms Melanie King


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Last moments

Why on earth would Gulf News post this picture? Have you ever thought that this man has a family and the last thing they would want to see is this picture of him dying?

Niloufar Rouzbéh Pienaar


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Bad decision

Shocking. I doubt this hero would have wanted his death to be entertainment.

From Ms Clare Louise B.


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Thank you for your feedback. We did deliberate on whether to publish these images. Our decision to do so was based on our belief that we needed to make the human connection these images allow. Reading about, and seeing, the incredible act of braveness that this police officer, and his brothers, show day in, day out are two quite different things. We do appreciate that the images are disturbing, but we felt, and still feel, this human connection is an important one to make.

Gulf News