Laghoo shankhaprakshalana Image Credit: Oliver Clarke, Gulf News

One of the problems with the lifestyle we have is that it creates digestion problems — indigestion, flatulence, constipation or a constant feeling of “heaviness”. Tension, poor diet and lack of exercise are the key factors responsible for bad digestion. Here is some basic exercises to help you.


Ardha pawanmuktasana

Lie on back with hands by side. Pull one knee to chest and hug. Hold position. Raise chin to touch knee, breathing normally. Hold for a few seconds and return to start position. Repeat with other leg. You can also perform poorna pawanmuktasana by drawing both knees to chest at the same time. This increases blood circulation and stimulates nerves, increasing the efficiency of the internal organs. The pressure on the abdomen releases trapped gases and relieves constipation. 


Sit with legs stretched out in front. Bring right foot under right hip. Repeat with left foot. See that toes touch each other and heels are turned outwards. Sit on heels and place palms on knees. Breathe normally. Hold for two to three minutes. This hastens digestion and relieves heaviness in the stomach and bloating. People with arthritis or those who have undergone a knee or a spinal surgery should avoid this.


Agnisaar kriya

Stand with legs slightly apart and inhale. Exhale through mouth and bend forward, placing palms on thighs, just above knees. Pull abdomen in and hold breath. Then push abdominal muscles out. Create a rhythmic movement. Repeat 10-70 times.


Kunjal kriya

This helps tone and stimulate the abdominal organs and helps curb indigestion, acidity and gas. Excess mucus is also removed.

This should be done once a week in the morning on an empty stomach.
Add two teaspoons of salt to two litres of lukewarm water and drink at least six glasses at a stretch.Stand with legs apart and bend forward. Place index and middle fingers in mouth and rub back of tongue. This will induce vomiting and water will be expelled. Relax. Lie down and practise deep breathing. Those with hernia, eye problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, peptic ulcers and diabetes should avoid this.

Laghoo shankhaprakshalana

This helps cleanse the intestines, strengthen immunity and purify blood. Before eating or drinking anything in the morning, make some warm, salted water. Drink two cups and perform these yoga postures eight times each:

  • Tadasana
  • Tiryaka tadasana
  • Kati chakrasana
  • Tiryaka bhujangasana
  • Udarakarshanasana

Repeat the cycle two more times. By the time you have drunk six cups, you will feel the urge to relieve yourself. If not, repeat another two or three times. The water will be expelled over the next couple of hours. Wait half an hour between the exercises and your meal.


Anulom vilom pranayama

Sit in meditative posture and relax facial muscles. Close eyes and take deep breaths. Bend index finger and middle finger of right hand, keeping thumb, ring finger and little finger extended. Close right nostril with thumb and place ring finger between eyebrows. Inhale through left nostril to a count of five. Close left nostril with ring finger. Now both nostrils are closed. Hold breath to a count of ten. Raise thumb to midpoint between eyebrows and exhale through right nostril to a count of ten. Inhale through right nostril to a count of five and close with thumb. Both nostrils are closed now. Hold breath to a count of ten. This completes one cycle. Repeat cycle for two to five minutes.