

I would like to bring to the attention of the relevant authorities in Sharjah that quick action is needed regarding some dangerous signboards (as seen in photograph).

I think the authorities need to look at the damaged boards and remove them immediately, before someone gets injured when walking past them. Some of the boards have been damaged for a long time and the authorities have not taken any action to repair them. I have spotted a few in various areas of Sharjah. New signs should be installed in their place.

Another problem I have faced is that some of these boards are installed in a way that do not observe safety precautions. Some stand in the centre of a pavement that is used by pedestrians on a daily basis. They have sharp edges and when we’re trying to walk by we can easily get scratched.

The height of the above boards is exactly at chest level of an adult and for a child, it would be as high as his or her head. I request the relevant authorities to reconsider the placing of these boards before a serious incident or accident occurs.

The reader is a resident of the Al Qasimia area in Sharjah.

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