Aswa-sanchalanasana (Gulf News Archives) Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

One of the biggest misconceptions about obesity is that it can be combated with good diet and regular exercising. But the reality is that obesity is a result of indiscipline and lack of dealing with stress.

In yoga it is believed that “niyama” or self discipline is one of the most important qualities a person should have because it helps in building a balanced lifestyle. Self discipline, however, does not mean following the same routine everyday but incorporating certain habits in one’s day-to-day life, finding ways to deal with all types of stress from time-to-time to keep the mind at peace, showing commitment and contentment in self growth and developing an ability to see one’s own flaws and correcting them. This will help a person become disciplined and bring balance in his lifestyle.

The practice of yoga is one such way to find this balance and discipline.




1 Begin in parvathasana or the mountain pose keeping your feet flat on the mat and looking downwards.

2 Now inhale and bring your right leg forward placing your foot in between your hands, look up here while arching your back.

3 Now move your hips forward, as shown, opening your chest out and pushing your hands back. Note that your left knee is off the mat. Breathe normally here.

4 Hold the posture from 10-30 seconds.

5 Repeat the same with the left leg.



1 Opens your groins and hips.

2 Stretches and tones your legs, especially thighs.

3 Strengthens your knees, ankles and waist.

4 Stimulates abdominal organs.

5 Increases stamina and lung capacity.

6 Strengthens the spine and the chest.

7 Therapeutic for indigestion, constipation, sciatica.

Caution: Persons with severe knee injuries must do this posture under professional guidance.




1 Begin with raising your hands up and feet slightly apart.

2 Inhale and raise the right leg off the mat, as shown.

3 Next exhale and make your body parallel to the ground, stretching your hands ahead and keeping your head in line with your hands.

4 Hold from 10-30 seconds and repeat the same with your left leg.



1 This asana strengthens the arms, wrists, hips and leg muscles.

2 It relaxes the lower back and helps develop nervous coordination.

Caution: People with high blood pressure should not do this posture.

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