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Our back is easily prone to feeling stiff if we remain seated or stand for long hours. Practising some side-bends and twists a couple of times a week can go a long way in preventing tightness, spasms and consequential injuries of the back. So it is essential for one to stretch and strengthen their sides along with the back and the abdominal muscles.

Tiryaka Tadasana, or the swaying palm tree pose, stretches and loosens the entire spine, helping clear up congested spinal nerves at the points where they emerge from the spinal column. The sides of the waist are thoroughly exercised, contracting one side and stretching the other.

Though these postures are easy to practise and can be done by everyone at home, it’s advisable to consult a doctor before you start practising them.



Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

While inhaling, raise your arms up over your head stretching upwards. Hold your left hand with the right hand at the wrist.

As you exhale, bend from the waist to the right. Bear in mind not to bend forward or backward but sideways, and to keep your arms stretched out.

Hold the posture for 15-30 seconds, breathing normally. Inhale as you come back to the centre. Repeat on the other side. Practise five rounds.



• It balances both sides of postural muscles.

• It improves lateral mobility of the spine.