Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Sooner or later you’ll need to confront one particularly difficult individual about their approach to certain joint plans. While you’d rather get this done and dealt with, it’s far too soon. The actual circumstances remain unsettled. Only once you know what’s what, should you even think of discussing these plans.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Even if you were aware your ruler Venus was retrograde, the influence of its period of reverse movement will have appeared in subtle issues, mostly involving the past. Still, now that it’s about to move forward again, those insights won’t just be clearer, your optimism about life in general will return.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Although in many ways you’re flexible, there are a number of situations in which your thinking or habits are as rigid as your neighbouring sign, Taurus. You know what these are. Be especially conscious of these now, since with things moving swiftly you could reject wonderful offers, and without realising it.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The time has come to be frank. Not just honest, which implies sidestepping potentially upsetting issues. This means raising these, despite the knowledge that they’ll trigger an emotional reaction and, therefore, be difficult to discuss. Still, this is a vital first step to clearing the air about these matters for good.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Powerful as the link between your ruler the Sun and Pluto may be, it would appear there’s no way around certain tedious obligations. Tempting as it is to battle these, you’d soon regret it. Tricky as it is initially, overcome your resistance and get involved. What you learn will revolutionise your thinking.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Although every sign will be influenced by the solar eclipse, on the 13th, it’s in Virgo. This signifies that events, probably unexpected, will shake things up. But, even more, shifts in your perspective could lead to making changes that, only a short while ago, you’ve refused even to consider.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

In late August, the ideas planet Mercury moved into Libra and on the 17th it goes retrograde, still in your sign. While confusion is inevitable, in the process of untangling it, you’ll learn a lot. Enough, in fact, to make up for the effort it takes to impose order on that disarray.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

There’s a difference between having good reason to refuse certain offers and it being wise. Those reasons have to do with the past, and are no longer valid. Yet the experiences involved were so challenging, you avoid all such matters. Now you’ve a chance to put the past behind you. Take it.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Long ago you realised that a heated exchange can do wonders to clear the air. Now, however, certain individuals are so anxious that you don’t dare raise your view. Actually, that’s best, since you’re feeling more sensitive about certain matters than you care to admit, to yourself or others.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Obviously you won’t have had in mind spending so much time taking part in complex discussions, at least not when you began the day. Disruptive as these may be, each conversation will clear up confusion and, in doing so, allow you to focus on what, and who, is ultimately, of greatest importance.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

Every once in a while, ideas or offers are so thrilling, you’ve no choice but to pursue them. This is just such a moment. Discuss these with others if you must. But if they express doubts, ignore them and plunge in. Once you’re involved, you realise how correct your instincts were.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Last minute changes in plan can be aggravating. At the moment, however, these could save the day. You’ve been struggling with situations that are becoming increasingly complicated, and for no good reason. Now those changes are giving you a good excuse to rethink arrangements, and in doing so, to simplify them.