

Your birthday message is clear. It’s prompted by the link between the Sun and communication planet, Mercury, actually meeting in Scorpio, and it’s “speak your mind”. You think you do. But you’re highly selective about what you say, and those with whom you’ll discuss certain facts or reveal your true feelings. Be more open, possibly in ways that seem risky. You’ll soon realise that what you regarded as being cautious left others puzzled as to your true feelings and passions.

Aries March 20 – April 18

The current rather tense planetary setup isn’t just influencing you, others are on edge as well. While you’ll undoubtedly be able to laugh about these matters later, at the moment everybody is taking them very seriously indeed. Possibly too seriously. Say what needs saying then back off. You’ll soon be glad you did.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Don’t be surprised if even relatively simple plans must change, and change again. This has nothing to do with your original version being unwise but, rather, with the dramatic series of events that’s currently forcing everybody to rethink their arrangements. Disruptive as this is, these changes are timely.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Life’s asking you to take a chance, that is, to take a leap of faith. This isn’t about religion but, rather, about having faith in yourself and your instincts. It could mean defying others’ advice and pursuing what you’ve already planned, or avoiding discussions altogether and proceeding as you think best.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

You sometimes get so involved in practical tasks and in looking after the needs of others, you somehow manage to neglect your own, more personal, interests. However, with this weekend’s New Moon accenting exactly such matters, the time has come for a review, one aimed at restoring the balance.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Tempting as it is to get caught up in debating the rights and wrongs of certain arrangements, these aren’t really your business. In fact, you’re only discussing them because somebody else asked your opinion. This isn’t as straightforward as it seems, and could lead to problems. Wait, watch and make no promises.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Waste no time trying to find a diplomatic way to inform somebody they’ve not only got their facts wrong, that single error is already creating complications for you and others. The individual in question suspected this was the case. So discuss the issue, then focus on seeking a workable remedy.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Long ago you realised that, although usually, differences can be ignored, certain individuals thrive on such clashes. In fact, they’re expert at turning minor issues into major ones. That being the case, there’s little point in trying to sidestep these. Prepare for dramas. They’ll blow over as swiftly as they arose.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Planning ahead may be a virtue and when you’re wrestling with uncertainties, as is the case now, helps relieve anxieties. Ordinarily it would be wise. Bear in mind, however, that because Sunday’s Scorpio New Moon is all about a fresh perspective, your priorities are likely to shift, if not change radically.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

With the Sun and Mercury both in the most strategic portion of your chart, you’re facing the variety of tricky dilemmas that requires serious discretion. Yet you’re alarmingly short of facts. Gather what information you can from others but stop there, acknowledging that there’s only so much you can learn.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

As a sensible earth sign, you resist being rushed into committing to a plan because somebody else thinks it’s a good idea. However, what’s being suggested now does ring true. That being the case, you’ll overlook its questionable origins, and go with it because it works in practical terms.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

There are many varieties of changes. While, obviously, most are planned, those coming your way currently are likely to be as dramatic as they are unexpected. Tempting as it is to both do some investigation and debate their value, there’s no time. Embrace them now or say a firm, and final, farewell.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Certain individuals are in a contentious mood. Although you’re well aware that the resulting disputes aren’t your problem, steering clear of these isn’t easy. If you’re alert, you should be able to spot them. The minute you do, back off, without explanation, and as swiftly and diplomatically as you can.