

Everybody knows how therapeutic decluttering your workspace or cupboards can be. However, your birthday chart accents decluttering your life, that is, considering whether certain alliances or activities merit the time, space and, possibly, the heart, they’re taking up. Of course, you might not even spot what should go right away. That means it’s a process, one that will take time and occur in stages. But, also, with each round of decluttering, you’ll experience remarkable rewards.

Aries March 20 – April 18

From your point of view life would be much easier if you could just confront those who’re being difficult head on. But others insist that would only make things worse and, while you hate admitting it, they’re probably right. Distract yourself by getting involved in activities that will demand your full attention.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

As a Taurus and an earth sign, you’ve a knack for discussing even contentious issues frankly. It’s not about anybody’s opinion but, rather, practicalities. Still, bear in mind that not everybody you’re dealing with is an earth sign, so you may need to explain why those practical issues are crucial.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Be wary of generalities. While, often, you’ll discuss ideas or make vague plans and rely on things working out as you near the date in question, at the moment this is a seriously risky strategy. Those involved need reassurance or they’ll assume you’ve no intention of taking things further.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Eventually, you’ll need to say farewell to certain elements of your life so familiar that letting them go would be like losing a dear friend or family member. Or so it seems. While there’s no denying your sentimental attachment to these, they’re devouring time and giving very little in return.

Leo July 22 – August 21

For ages you’ve been talking about making changes in elements of your domestic or working life, but something else has always taken priority. Now that the Sun and this Sunday’s New Moon are both accenting such matters, the time has come to move from conjecture to actually exploring your options.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Satisfying as having focused on and dealt with a wide range of practical and financial matters has been, you’re ready for a break. With both the Sun and your ruler Mercury having just moved to accent ideas, yours and those of others, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Extended, and often amusing, discussion.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Usually, if you sense somebody isn’t being entirely straightforward, you’ll ask a few discreet questions, then raise issues directly. But now you suspect this particular individual in question is hiding something, and for their own reasons. While there’s little you can say, you can wait and watch.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

You long ago realised that your sense of humour is different from that of certain individuals. So different, in fact, that they’ve no idea when you’re making a joke, and take your words seriously. Keep this in mind now, since even a minor misunderstanding could easily lead to major problems.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

The capacity to see a way out of even the most complex of situations is a real gift, one that comes naturally to you, as a Sagittarius. Yet what you’re currently facing is exceedingly tricky, so much you could be uncharacteristically concerned. Although things will work out, it’s worth investigating any worrying details.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Although every sign will be influenced by the coming New Moon and its accompanying fresh perspective, you’d rather have something more solid, ideally hard facts. Yet once you’re actually benefitting from that unaccustomed way of looking at things, you’ll realise how worthwhile it is and, better yet, be inspired by what you see.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

As much as you enjoy a lively exchange of ideas, discussions with certain individuals have become both repetitive and unappealingly aggressive. It’s as if they have something to say, but don’t know how. Tempting as it is to give them advice, it’s unwise. Judging by their mood, they’ll find fault with you, as well.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

While you can debate the virtues of plans based on practicalities, assessing those involving people is far more difficult. This applies as much to those you’ve known for ages as to individuals you’ve just met. They may say they’ll fulfil a commitment but that’s no guarantee that, in reality, they’ll be able to do it.