Aries (March 20 — April 19)

Sometimes differences of opinion are exactly that, you view certain matters from one perspective, while others see things their way. And, usually, that’s unimportant. Now it is. Not because it’s vital you agree but, rather, what you learn when discussing these issues will be incredibly informative, and for both of you.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Because you think carefully before you make a commitment, you know where you stand and what you want in most areas of your life. Now, however, events are challenging many of your views. Unsettling, if not annoying, as this is, it’s time for a review. And the more options you explore, the better.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Usually you’re quick on the pickup. But even you were fooled by certain unexpected offers. While it’s true, these aren’t what they seem, by no means should you refuse them. The problem is, you know less than you think you do. Ask a few serious questions and you’ll soon be updated.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

Patience is always a virtue but never more than now, with the retrograde Mercury causing all manner of confusion. Tempting as it is to delve into the source of errors or misunderstandings to put them right, this could complicate matters. Wait until events create an opportunity, then begin your explorations.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

While you can make personal decisions and turn them into action right away, situations involving others can be more complex, especially if their perspective or priorities differ from yours. Time consuming as discussions are, you’ll learn a lot. In fact, the resulting insights will enable you to refine your plans

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Long ago you realised that certain individuals are stubborn, so much so they must discover any errors or mistakes they’ve made on their own. Tempting as it is to point out arrangements that are as unwise as they could be costly, it’s unlikely to achieve much. Still, if you must, speak up.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

The recent encounter between your ruler Venus and the retrograde Mercury, with both in Libra, raised many questions. Some are the result of comparing notes with others. But a few are the result of clashes over what you regarded as solid facts and have since learned weren’t as reliable as you thought.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

Sooner or later you’ll have to discuss certain tricky issues with somebody you’ve been doing all you can to avoid. This won’t be easy, at least at first. But if you go with an open mind and ask a lot of questions, you’ll realise your conclusions about them were completely mistaken.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

It would appear you were roped into one particular arrangement by somebody very persuasive or, alternatively, they made you feel guilty. Now that you need to disentangle yourself, you’re unsure where to begin. Waste no time on explanations. Simply state, firmly and clearly, this is over. Done. Finished. That’s enough.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

When reviewing recent weeks, you’ll realise you’ve spent more time undoing existing arrangements than organising the future. For you, as a Capricorn and somebody who’s a careful planner, this could seem worrying. But actually, every once in a while you must declutter your life and this is just such a time.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Every once in a while a single phrase or even a gesture reminds you why you value certain individuals’ presence in your life. This is the case now. In some cases, it’s worth telling them exactly that. In others, you need say nothing. The individual in question feels the same way.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

There’s a difference between promising ideas and offers and solid plans. Obviously you’re eager to get things sorted out. Be patient. Judging by the fabulous alliance between both the Sun and Venus and your ruler Neptune, in late October, whatever is good now will get a lot better then.

If it’s your birthday today

While some of the signs enjoy events that make a splash, being ruled by the subtle Venus, you prefer a slower pace and, ideally, that everybody be happy with plans and arrangements. Consequently, you keep in touch with others about plans. Still, every once in a while you must do things your way. In fact, it now seems you’ll have to ignore, if not oppose the desires of certain individuals. Do exactly that, and without making any excuses.