

While the Full Moon influences everybody and every sign, the fact it takes place on your birthday marks this as a turning point, as an individual and, equally, in close alliances, both personal and those out in the world. In every case, you’ll find certain matters or possibly emotional issues reach a head. And it’s only once they do that both the circumstances and your own feelings and priorities are clear. From that point onward, you’ll know exactly what and who comes first.

Aries March 20 – April 18

There are few things more satisfying than tackling a challenging dilemma and seeing it through to its completion. While you’ve done almost everything that’s needed to put one particular concern to rest, and for good, you’ve allowed yourself to be distracted. Focus on and finish this before going on to anything else.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Much as you’d like to make decisions once and be done with it, judging by the stunning link between practical Saturn and Uranus, on the 11th, changes are likely. While they’ll be both sudden and unsettling, they’ll also enable you to rethink difficult arrangements you thought you’d just have to live with.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

The last thing you want to do is upset those who’re already on edge because of a series of unexpected events. Disruptive as these have been, within a short while the individuals in question will recognise these as breakthroughs. That being the case, encourage them to be patient until their perspective is clearer.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Because the current Full Moon accents what and who you most enjoy in life, yet also arouses vulnerable feelings, it’s no time to discuss issues in depth. Rather, voice your own concerns clearly and, equally, make a point of listening to others’. Tackling these, however, should wait until the mood’s calmer.

Leo July 22 – August 21

A seemingly straightforward discussion about everyday matters will soon prove to be far more important than you imagined. In fact, within hours you’ll realise this could enable you to tackle issues you thought you’d just have to live with. Unsettling as this is, there’s no better time than now to deal with these.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

As a Virgo and an earth sign, you pride yourself on your ability to maintain an even keel, in terms of your ideas and feelings, when others are increasingly out of control. Yet you’re uncharacteristically on edge. This is good, because this sensitivity will hone both your thinking and your intuition.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Long ago you realised how those who correct the way others express themselves are as annoying as they are rude. Which means you might not say something to one particular individual. However, the problem is that they’ve got their facts wrong. That’s something else entirely, and really must be put right.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Every once in a while, a word, a gesture or even a very special glance, one that speaks volumes, will touch you deeply. Yet, you don’t always let others know how much that meant. This once, do. This could be the beginning of an exchange that will grow in meaning, and over time.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Only days ago, you’d have dismissed certain ideas or refused offers because you’d dealt with similar situations in the past and didn’t particularly enjoy them. Yet, increasingly, you’re aware your perspective on such matters is shifting, and as it does, what once was dull could become intriguing if not actually rewarding.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Talking about new ideas doesn’t really interest you if you’re not sure where they’d be taking you and what you’d get from them. Yet judging by the current dynamic planetary setup, unsettling as the changes in the air are, they’d also add both something new and something productive to your life.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Most Aquarians are proud of their sharp intellect and ability to view even highly sensitive issues from a rational viewpoint. Yet because the current Full Moon is bringing certain delicate matters to a head, even you could find yourself wrestling with feelings of emotional vulnerability or seeking reassurance of some variety.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself rethinking plans or changing your mind about certain matters, and often. This is a period of both review and growth. That being the case, explore those options and, possibly, try them out. But, however strong your feelings are at the moment, avoid making long term commitments.