Aries (March 20 – April 19)

If you’re feeling restless, it’s no surprise. With the Sun and Mercury having joined Saturn in accenting ways you could broaden your horizons, there’s a tremendous focus on new people, places and ideas. While discussing your options is important, experience will be far more informative. Knowing that, act swiftly and decisively.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

For ages you’ve meant to tackle certain minor misunderstandings. However, you fear the time and disruption that delving into the background of these issues would cause. While the proceedings won’t be smooth, they won’t be nearly as bad as you fear. And having these dealt with will be a relief.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Every Full Moon brings issues to a peak. However, because the current one is in your sign, you’re facing sudden changes and the emotional upheaval most Geminis do all they can to avoid. Instead, discuss your concerns frankly. You’ll be amazed how much others already know and how helpful they are.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Think carefully before you entrust others with important plans that you’re unable to deal with yourself. Under ordinary circumstances, the individual in question would be completely reliable. Now, however, they’re wrestling with problems of their own. Some of these could create a conflict of interests, if not very real difficulties for you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Annoying as sudden changes in plans can be, they’re unavoidable. Actually, once you begin rethinking existing arrangements, you’ll realise some need to be updated and others would be unlikely to last for long anyway. Forget about shoring them up. The more swiftly you begin rearranging things, the better.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Ordinarily, the perfectionist side of your nature is an asset. Now it’s both making you anxious and delaying plans. Difficult as it is accepting the reality you must proceed without having your facts in order or your details right, you’ve no choice. Ironically, as a result, you’ll find reorganising things later much easier.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Obviously, often sudden changes should be regarded as reason to worry. However, that’s by no means the case now. On the contrary, disruptive as developments seem now, ultimately they’ll lead to breakthroughs in situations that are burdensome but which you’ve been unable to budge. Unexpected events are doing it for you.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

There’s good reason to keep certain controversial facts to yourself, or so you think. While, in the short term, this would be wise, sooner or later they’ll have to come to light. The problem is when, and how, you’ll explain your silence. Inform others now. Ultimately, it will be much less complicated.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The influence of the Full Moon is universal. It heightens everybody’s feelings. But because this one crosses the portions of your chart that have to do with close relationships, business and personal, you’ll be on edge about certain already tense matters. Urgent as these seem, any serious discussions can wait.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

From time to time, you encounter those who view discussing issues and proposing solutions as a job well done. You’re dealing with exactly such an individual now. Acknowledge that this is part of their character, one you can’t change. While this won’t be easy, at least initially, it’s essential for the future.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

While you’re by no means as painstaking as a Virgo, when you make a plan, you think everything through in detail. Thus you know what to expect and have a point by point schedule. Not everybody works this way. Knowing that, ensure those who are involved are aware what’s expected of them.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Tricky planetary activity involving Mercury, the Sun and your ruler Neptune indicates that, at minimum, you’ll encounter differences with others. However, it’s just as likely you’ll be facing obstacles you’ve no idea how to deal with. In time, you’ll figure out what to do. For now, take it slowly.

If it’s your birthday today

It’s happened in the past and, with enough concentration, you could turn certain ideas into reality by the sheer force of your will. This time, however, it’s worth asking what you’d end up with if you’re successful. The real issue is the challenge of exercising this side of your nature, versus devoting your efforts to an outcome that might be less spectacular but which would, ultimately, be of greater benefit to you.