Aries (March 20 — April 19)

There are all sorts of promises. While it’s easy to spot those made out of momentary enthusiasm, others were made with the intention of seeing them through. However, times have changed and so have the circumstances of those involved. Review these now, while you can reorganise arrangements without too much difficulty.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Being ruled by the harmonious Venus, you’d rather everybody agree with plans. But long ago you learned that isn’t always possible and that, allowing those who’re holding out to prevent progress is unwise. That’s the case now. Rather than trying to win them over, allow events to do it for you.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Recently, you’ve encountered certain individuals who’re obsessed with whether things are being done the right way. While, from your perspective, this varies from one setting and situation to the next, they live by a rulebook of such rights and wrongs. Don’t even think of discussing this with them. You’d regret it.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

The line between putting things off out of laziness or perhaps even anxiety is unclear. Despite those concerns, if you can’t seem to get around to dealing with one particular situation, it may be your instincts that are preventing you from taking action. Within a few days you’ll see why.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

Several times over the past week or so you’ve ignored offers of help, and without realising it. As a Leo, you’re self-sufficient. More than you realise. So much that when somebody offers to give you a hand, you don’t even recognise it. Think back and you’ll spot several such situations.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Obviously when you’re at odds with somebody, you’d rather work things out in a civilised manner. But there are certain individuals who respond only to drama, which could mean you must engineer a battle. The more theatrical your behaviour and your words, the more likely they are to take you seriously.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Issues involving who’s trustworthy and who’s not are both disillusioning and inconvenient. In time, you’ll discover exactly what happened and why you’ve been forced to question the character of others. For now, bear in mind that even the most honest of individuals sometimes misrepresent the facts. That could be the problem.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

Only a short while ago, you wouldn’t even have considered altering certain longstanding arrangements. These provide continuity in your life and in close relationships. Yet they’ve also become a trap, keeping you and those you care about from exploring new and potentially rewarding places to go and things to do.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

You don’t mind disagreements with others. On the contrary, you feel often clashes help clear the air. Now, however, you’re dealing with somebody who’s happy to face difficult situations but only if everybody involved is polite. Frustrating as this is, you’ve no choice but to play by their rules.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

Often going over the past is a waste of time, if not disheartening. Now and over the coming week, however, you can learn a great deal from it. Be prepared to give advice but, even more, seek the views of others. What they say is likely to be as surprising as it is helpful.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Some people are never happy. It makes no difference whose speaking or has organised plans, these individuals can always find something to complain about. Yet you’ve been defending them. While that reveals your generous nature and tolerance of others, you’re unaware that it’s also hurtful to those who’re being unfairly criticised.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

Soon you’ll have to defend your views with somebody who has a reputation for being difficult. Confident as you are about your ideas, be prepared to be challenged. This has nothing to do with your ideas. The individual in question takes that approach no matter who they’re dealing with.