

Although every sign is influenced by the New Moon, the fact it takes place on your birthday indicates you’re beginning a new cycle, one that will, first, bring an end to activities and alliances that were once worthwhile, but no longer are. Even more, it’s about broadening your horizons in terms of your thinking, pursuits, priorities and, just as much, the people you spend time with. It’s a period of growth, discovery and delight.

Aries March 20 – April 18

You’re facing a range of tedious but crucial situations, most of which require that you deal with them according to a rigid formula. Tempting as it is to sidestep this, it would be unwise. Try, and you’ll soon discover that not only is there no avoiding it, you could cause yourself serious problems.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

In a number of situations you made promises, usually to others and mostly about financial matters. While these commitments made sense at the time, in several cases the actual issue in question has changed. Knowing that, review them all, knowing any problems you discover can be dealt with swiftly and easily.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

There’s the sense of promise that comes with the potential for exciting changes, which is exactly what you’re dealing with. While this is wonderful, on the downside, you’re seriously short of facts. Be patient. By this time next week you’ll have learnt everything you need to know, and without much effort.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Only a few days ago, there was talk of ideas as exciting as they would be revolutionary. Yet now it’s as if nothing had taken place. That’s because everybody concerned, including you, has retreated to think about these. Once things are clearer, you can reconvene and discuss matters in greater depth.

Leo July 22 – August 21

The current New Moon is timely, primarily because it’s about a fresh perspective, which is badly needed, and in a number of areas of your life. While some require personal reflection, others will benefit from frank and open discussion, even if it means revealing issues you’ve previously avoided mentioning.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

When the month began, you’d have sworn certain changes weren’t just unlikely, they’d be a pointless nuisance. Since then, the actual circumstances you’re dealing with have shifted, and so suddenly and substantially that it’s now abundantly clear that things can’t, and shouldn’t, remain as they are. Explore your options, then act swiftly.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Just when it seemed there was no way of avoiding a serious clash with somebody who’s already seriously annoyed, events have resolved the issues in question. Tempting as it is to back off, in the hope things will be calmer in the future, that’s unwise. These still need to be discussed, and frankly.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

While you’ve no fear of standing up to others, if you can avoid dramas, you’ll try to. However, in several situations what begin as tense clashes could turn into a rewarding exchange of ideas, one that wouldn’t have happened had you not been so frank about both your views and your feelings.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Usually your reaction to new ideas, offers or opportunities is to say a tentative yes first, then ask questions and learn from experience. However, what’s just come your way is overwhelming, in the sense you’re wary getting involved could lead to restrictive commitments. Perhaps. If so, they’ll be worthwhile.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Out of character as it is to agree to an idea, offer or plan while still short of facts, that’s exactly what the current planetary setup suggests you’ll need to do. The trick is to ensure what you organise is flexible. That will allow you to make changes when the situation dictates, as it will.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Only days ago you were questioning whether the disruptive but still exciting ideas or offers coming your way were worth pursuing. Now, without actually making a decision to explore them, you’re in the process of learning all you can about these. This isn’t just wise, it’s the next step before you say ‘yes’.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Now is the time to take a firm stand on certain matters you know aren’t just important to others, they’re determined to keep things are they are. That may be convenient for them but would cause you and those around you serious problems. Forget about hinting at this. Address the issue frankly.