Aries (March 20 — April 19)

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that because you discussed plans with others recently, they will know what you’re doing. Not only have those plans changed more than you realise but also with Mercury in retrograde, there’s bound to be confusion.


Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Only days ago, you’d have sworn you’d never alter certain elements of your life. Yet now you’re thinking of doing exactly that. These have been holding you back, as have several other familiar, but restrictive habits and attitudes. Prepare yourself. The time has come to shift those as well.


Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Over the next few days you’ll need to defend your ideas or plans and, in doing so, you’ll need to answer some tough questions. That being the case, gather all the facts you can now and, equally, organise your thoughts. This ensures that, when those questions arise, you’ll be prepared to respond.


Cancer (June 21 — July 22)

The time has come to take a stand. After having discussed potentially troublesome issues but gotten nowhere, you’re wondering what to do. The answer is to wait and watch. Although it may seem like your words are being ignored, they’re not. On the contrary, others just need time for reflection.


Leo (July 23 — August 22)

Tender-hearted Leos are well known for spoiling loved ones. This can be with gifts and loving attention. But at the moment it means you’ve been tolerating what can only be termed bad behaviour. Even you have had enough, which is exactly what you must say to the individual in question.


Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Few things worry you more than committing to a plan while you’re still short of facts. This isn’t just worrying, you’re becoming more anxious by the day. While you can’t control when that information will be available, you can decide to enjoy the freedom this period gives you to explore your options.


Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Often, pretending to misunderstand what somebody said is a tactful way of avoiding what would otherwise be a serious disagreement. But now the tables are turned, and those who say they’ve misunderstood you are trying to shift the blame for their misdeeds in your direction. Tackle this now, while you can.


Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

Long ago you learnt to recognise those who must have the last word, whatever the setting or nature of the discussion. Ordinarily, that’s fine. Now, however, their facts are wrong and they must be challenged. Do that, knowing they’ll still have the last word. But you’ll have set the record straight.


Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21)

Don’t be surprised if loved ones suddenly seem demanding. The problem isn’t their needy mood but that you’ve been so involved with one particular matter that they’re feeling neglected. Not only will time with them restore those warm relations it will bring much-needed balance back to your own life.


Capricorn (December 22 — January 19)

Contemplating an extensive reorganisation of your daily routine or working life is bad enough. But living with the resulting disarray for several weeks is even worse. Or so it seems. Actually, what you learn during this rather unsettled period won’t just justify any frustration, in the end you’ll be glad it happened.


Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

There are many ways to disagree with others. Being understanding by nature, you’ll usually make your views clear, but avoid arguing issues, point by point. Now, however, you’re not only urged to do exactly that, you’ll find the resulting exchange of ideas informative for you and others.


Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

While the coming week won’t be an easy one, what you learn in the process of working out issues will be hugely informative. The real challenge will be to avoid being upset by the sometimes rather aggressive manner of certain individuals. It’s about their passions in regard to the matter, not you personally.