

Usually you’ve a knack for navigating around even the most difficult, stubborn or temperamental of individuals. Because you’ll listen to their objections, you easily charm them into considering ideas or options they were either unaware of or had previously refused. Ironically, now it’s you who’s being rigid in your thinking and, perhaps, unwilling even to discuss changes. These, too would be of huge benefit, but you’re refusing to acknowledge that. At least give them a try.

Aries March 20 – April 18

The last thing you’re in the mood to do is rethink changes you only recently made. However, with the New Moon on Thursday ushering in exciting if unexpected ideas or offers, you’ll soon realise just how easy it would be to make improvements on what you’ve already organised. Begin exploring your options now.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Watching familiar elements of your life vanish, often overnight, isn’t easy. Yet you’re well aware these are timely and, better yet, could lead to beneficial changes. Tempting as it is to bargain with destiny, that is, to slow the process, don’t. If ever there was a time to go with the flow, it’s now.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

At one point, it seemed you could get the plans you’re discussing past certain individuals who view themselves as authorities on almost everything. While this suggests they’re arrogant, the fact is, they are, in fact, up to date on what’s happening. Take advantage of this. You need all the insights you can get.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

With the Sun and the New Moon, on the 25th, both in the most sensitive and strategic portion of your chart, you’re urged to take things slowly but, when opportunities arise, to show interest. No more. While you’ll soon be able to take things to the next stage, for now it’s about listening and learning.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Leaving major decisions up to others is out of character. Yet, having wrestled with these matters, and there seem to be several, and gotten nowhere, you’re considering exactly that. Not only is it a good idea, you’d benefit from their experience and expertise, and better yet, they’d be delighted to be of assistance.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

In certain matters, and with certain people, you never give up. But perhaps you should. The individuals in question may pretend to have an interest in your plans or new projects. However that’s no more than social chitchat. In reality, they’ve no intention of in learning anything or broadening their horizon.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Bizarrely, you seem to be struggling with accepting the kindness or generosity of others. The real issue is you fear in agreeing to this, certain individuals will assume you’ll agree with them or go along with their plans. While that’s probably not the case, simply ask. The resulting discussion will be enlightening for everybody.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Recent developments were as exciting as they were disruptive. And, happily, the more you learn about them, the more eager you are to get involved. Do exactly that. This gives you a chance to work closely with others to shape the ideas in question into something you and they can develop together.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

It’s easy to forget that progress, that is moving ahead into new plans, activities and even challenges will, inevitably, mean leaving elements of the past behind. This is especially the case now. Understandably, you’re proud of and, therefore, attached to certain arrangements. Still, it’s time for them to go.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

When certain new, and somewhat revolutionary, ideas were first discussed late last year, you were enthusiastic but hesitant, mostly because they seemed unrealistic. Now that things have moved along, and you know more, it’s clear these aren’t just possible, they’re about to become an exciting part of your life.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

As an air sign, you thrive on ideas and truly enjoy hearing what others are doing and, equally, learning about their suggestions for you. Be aware, however, that certain individuals mistakenly assume you’re seeking their advice which, worse, they’ll expect you to take. From the outset, make it clear why you’re asking.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

It would be no surprise if, after a week of exciting, inspiring but unsettling changes, you’ve no idea what and, perhaps, who to put first. Actually, that’s as it should be. Between now and Thursday’s New Moon, events will usher in a helpful fresh perspective. Focus on what must go.