

As much as you enjoy hearing about an exciting new idea or offer, those triggered by the link between Mercury and the inventive Uranus, in Aries and actually on your birthday, could seem to overwhelm your existing plans or future commitments. While your initial instinct may be to battle these, at least explore the ideas and individuals involved. At minimum, you’ll learn something. What’s more likely, is this will lead to valuable new ideas and new alliances.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Few things irritate you more than those who don’t really listen to what you say, which means you need to repeat plans or discuss arrangements you’ve just reviewed. Bear in mind, however, that not everybody thinks as swiftly as you do, which means certain individuals are genuinely having trouble keeping up.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

There’s lots of talk about doing things differently, if not a fresh start in certain increasingly unworkable situations. While you can understand that some individuals might be eager to proceed, you can’t help but wonder whether more thought would be wise. The answer, in a single word, is no.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

You know their intentions are good. Still, certain individuals can’t seem to resist underlining the importance of planning ahead. Often, you do. But not in the way they’d recognise or advise. While ignoring their seemingly ceaseless advice isn’t easy, it’s easier then attempting to explain what you’re thinking to them.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Only now is it becoming clear that the issues you’re facing have more to do with the current rather difficult mood than the actual situations that are taking the blame. While the resulting frank discussions could rouse tempers, those heightened feelings won’t last long. And it will have been worth it.

Leo July 22 – August 21

It’s time to restore the balance in your life. Exciting as the activities and feelings you’ve been experiencing have been, it’s meant neglecting others who are crucial and, to a certain extent, your own interests. Life is constantly changing, so you won’t always get it right. What’s most important is that you try.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Once you understand that, no matter how carefully organised arrangements are, they’re unlikely to last, you’ll be more relaxed about the coming days’ frequent changes. While there are unlikely to be serious problems, the current planetary setup indicates unexpected twists and turns. The more flexible you’re able to be, the better.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Although it’s rarely mentioned, like Mercury, your own ruling planet Venus sometimes goes retrograde. This began on March 4th and remains the case until mid-April. This isn’t about errors but, rather what you can learn, especially from past mistakes. Invest time in discussing these now and you’ll benefit well into the future.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Tempting as it is to correct certain errors in others’ thinking, they may be right and you could be wrong. With so much in transition, even seemingly unchanging facts are shifting regularly, if not every day. Keep this in mind, both when discussing future plans and when considering your options.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Making demands is one thing. When your requirements are clear, whether it’s information, ideas, practical support or backup, you’ve no hesitation about asking for what you need. Emotional support is another matter. Fortunately, somebody who knows, and cares about you, is there by the sidelines with what you need.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

When plans come undone, your natural tendency is to consider what needs to be dealt with, then do it as swiftly as possible. Judging by the unsettling planetary climate between now and the end of the month, your priority should be ensuring arrangements are flexible. Long range plans can and should wait.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Yet again you’re in a situation where somebody honestly believes they’re an authority on one particular topic when they’re actually short of facts. Unwise as this seems, back off and leave them to make mistakes. This, and this alone, will force them to realise how inadequate their so-called expertise is.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

As much as you’d like to see plans settled, and in a way that ensures everybody’s needs are taken into account, there’s no time for any such refinements. The fact is, with the actual details on which those plans are based shifting, the more easygoing you are about organising things, the better.